Comprehensive Updates in Nephrology – 2025 March 16-21, 2025 • LIVE-STREAM
Protected: Exhibit Hall
Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:
Discuss how to approach patients with acid-base and electrolyte disturbances and manage their care
Define hypertension treatment goals and management for different populations
Review strategies for diagnosing and managing acute kidney injury
Assess new developments to reduce the risk of chronic kidney disease progression
Incorporate optimal immunosuppression strategies for initial and maintenance immunosuppression
Develop strategies to screen, prevent and treat patients with long-term complications of kidney transplantation
Summarize optimal management strategies for non-immunologic complications after kidney transplantation
Evaluate and treat patients presenting with signs and symptoms of glomerular disease
Explain the role of genetic testing in specific conditions
Past attendees report an immediate impact on their practice and patient outcomes resulting from what they learned at this course. You will leave the program with:
The latest nephrology knowledge, insight and teachings from leading authorities and clinical educators
A greater understanding of how to apply the latest tools and tests in your practice
Evidence-based treatment plans
Individualized therapy and management strategies
Specific management strategies and recommendations to optimize care in complex cases
Practitioners from around the world attend this comprehensive course to ensure they are current with the latest updates and advances in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases. We hope you will join us this March!
Past participants tell us this course has changed their practice. Click to hear how.
This program is endorsed by the following organizations:
ISN’s endorsement is for the promotion of education in general, therefore the specific content of the event/course is the responsibility of the organizer.
ERA‘s endorsement is for the promotion of education in general, therefore the specific content of the event/course is the responsibility of the organiser.